Dennis Holmes Show

The Side Jawn - Ep2 Feed Them Kids



Season 2 Episode 2 : Feed Them Kids Dennis: Welcome to the Side Jawn, I am your host Dennis the Ingnoranthinkerspodcast Holmes. I'm here with my co-host Sharon the Chocolate Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl! Say it right Dennis. How you doing Chocolate Girl? Sharon: Tells how she is doing and recaps her week. Throws it back to Dennis. Dennis: Let's give our Thoughts on The Internet Biggest Headline The McDonald's Co Parent Problem Dear Side Jawn: tonight I was just in Lowe's (Home Improvement) and a child walks up to me and asks for help. I'm kind of shook. He came right up to me and asked me for cash for food. This kid was about 10 years old. When I said I didn't have cash, he asked me if I had CashApp. I asked him where his parents were and he said they were "at the hotel". I asked him if he was alone and he said that he was with his sister. I asked him if he was in any kind of trouble and he said no. I told him that he should not be asking strangers for money because it wasn't safe. But what I'm really concer