Napl Conference Podcasts

NAPL GraphExpo Podcast #3: A conversation about critical trends in digital pringint, with NAPL Senior Consultant Howard Fenton



NAPL, the trade association for excellence in graphic communications management, is pleased to present Episode #3 in a series of podcasts reporting "live from the scene" about the activities and speakers at the GraphExpo Conference, taking place this week, September 7-12, in Chicago.In this program, Howard Fenton, NAPL Senior Consultant, Digital Technologies, discusses critical trends in digital print that he will be highlighting in a breakfast presentation to the R&E Council of NAPL. Download the podcast here (18.3 mb stereo MP3 file, 00:13:20 duration).For information about the many benefits of membership in NAPL, call (800) 642-6275, Option 4, or visit Keywords: NAPL,GraphExpo,Chicago,digital services,fenton,paramus,lubetkin,R&E Council