P. George Elsbett

Longing (auf English) - (P. George Elsbett LC)



Every longing of the human heart is in last instance, a cry for the Holy Spirit. We build companies, send people to the moon, get drunk and get high, we write Symphonies, gulp down hours of Netflix, become slaves of expectations we have of ourselves or of others or of those that others have of us. We climb up on the one side of K2 and try to snowboard down the other. We get tangled up in a relationship and then try to untangle what we tangled. Why? The Christian would say: you have a hole in your heart. There is only one that can fill it. As if God would call out: You are created for the ocean. Stop swimming in the puddle. Its heard to dream of oceans, when we’ve been hurt, had to weather storms that have left us drained and tired, have met some sharks that have taken bites out of your hopes. Like someone wrote me after a break up: “I have just buried another set of Life’s expectations and longings.” How easy it is to put on masks, to pretend one has it all together, to pretend that one is secure and in no