Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

Facing Conflict Head On



How would you describe your comfort level when it comes to confronting conflict? Do you look at it as an opportunity for growth and relationship building? Do you avoid it in the hopes that it will resolve on its own? Or do you find yourself somewhere in the middle? Perhaps at first observing and assessing the situation. But if it’s clear it’s not going away immediately you take steps to nip it in the bud. Some leaders choose to ignore conflict in the workplace in an attempt to “keep the peace.” Yet that can add fuel to the fire. By looking the other way, leaders create an atmosphere of non-trust. Addressing conflict early on is an important first step. A study by the American Management Association (AMA) found that managers spend 24% of their time resolving conflict. Instead of just “resolving” workplace conflict, transform it to cultivate a cutting-edge team that can effectively solve problems and develop creative new ideas. This episode covers facing conflict: how to address and mitigate it, and when to loo