Storytelling With Seth

Dave Campbell, The Calling, And Why a Mission from God Does Not Always Look The Way You Think



THE VALUE OF A GREAT CONVERSATION I know that I am having a good conversation with someone when I can share a genuine laugh. I don’t know how many times Dave Campbell and I laughed during our talk, but I do know that each time felt like an authentic connection with a committed artist.  FINDING A FAITH-BASED WRITING PARTNER Dave spoke honestly about pursuing his dream of drawing a comic that was faith-based. There were false starts and interruptions. But things changed when he met writer Jeff Williams at a men’s bible study. That was the beginning of a commitment to start and finish a graphic novel they would eventually title The Calling. MAKING A COMMITMENT Through it all Dave and Jeff knew that everyone from that men’s group remembered their conversation. Dave knew that every night when he came home from work that his children were watching him sit down to draw. He knew that they would be watching if he stopped.  SHARING THE CALLING Dave matched that commitment with a website where he promised that