Storytelling With Seth

What do you do when it doesn't feel like Christmas? A few thoughts about perspective



Christmas is so much more than a day on the calendar.  It is a time of magic and wonder in the eyes of many children and adults.  But, Christmas is also a state of mind. It's as much a day on the calendar as it is a day of presents and games and celebration. Today is Christmas Eve. It's also my father's birthday. This morning he is waking up in a hospital bed waiting for a scheduled date when he will be wheeled into the operating room for open heart surgery. I don't think it feels like much of a birthday and it probably doesn't feel like any Christmas that he remembers or imagined. But, he also taught me that Christmas like everything else is about perspective.  Sometimes seeing past the challenges and complications is about changing the way you are looking. There are other times when the real trick is learning to change where you are setting your sights when you look.  Christmas may not look like we remember and it may not feel like we expect it should, but it still has the ability to rem