Your First Thousand Clients With Mitch Russo

Achieving Work-Life Balance As Entrepreneurs In A Stressful World With Dave Valentine



As an entrepreneur, you are no stranger to stress, anxiety, and burnout. From managing a business to dealing with personal issues, you constantly juggle multiple balls in the air. That said, finding a way to balance your life in a stressful world is important. And that is what Dave Valentine, Chief Executive Officer at Avadel Agency, shares with Mitch Russo today. When Dave first established his company, he was also working an 8 to 5 as a business consultant, raising his first child with his lovely wife, and working into ungodly hours of the night to keep up. Through tenacity, sheer will, and the mental awakening that consistent sleep deprivation brings, Avadel grew into a 7-figure agency, and his well-being turned to garbage. This catalyzed the shift in his approach to life and business. Join Dave as he talks about how he freed himself from the stress of running multiple businesses. He is now helping hundreds of brands grow their business and bottom line by gaining massive returns from their marketing.&