Lectio Cascadia

Include and Transcend (Galatians 1:6-9)



Excerpt (Galatians 1:6-9) I am amazed that you are shifting over so soon from the one who called you with Christ’s generosity to a different triumphant message, which is not actually another one, except some people are causing you distress and wanting to turn the message of Christ’s triumph into something different. Instead, even if we—or a messenger from the sky!—announce a triumphant message to you besides the triumphant message we announced to you, consider them designated for destruction! Like we have said before—and I am now saying again—if anyone announces a triumphant message besides what you have received, consider them designated for destruction! ... Credit to Fr. Richard Rohr for the episode's title. Read Brandon Johnson's translation of Galatians Google Doc – https://bit.ly/FIT-Galatians-GDoc PDF – https://bit.ly/FIT-Galatians-PDF Mobile-Friendly without footnotes – https://bit.ly/FIT-Galatians-Mobile Listen to Found in Translation: Found in Translation - Apple Podcasts Found in