Umphrey's Mcgee Podcast

Episode 9: Hiccup



Welcome back to Talking Circles - a production of Osiris Media and Umphrey’s McGee. This is a podcast about the making of Asking For A Friend with the members of Umphrey’s McGee. In Episode Nine we begin to focus on the deep cuts of the album, with “Hiccup” up first. A song that showcases the unique differences between Cinninger and Bayliss’s songwriting approach, it also displays the band’s dedication to keeping things simple on the album. Finally we discuss the importance of a properly timed nap ahead of a guitar solo recording session.Talking Circles is a production of Osiris Media and Umphrey’s McGee. Audio production by Matt Dwyer. Written and Produced by Brian Brinkman, RJ Bee, and Kevin Browning. Art by Mark Dowd. All interviews and audio used with permission from Umphrey’s McGee. Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.