Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

How to Invest in Real Estate and Get Wealthy with Alexis Hart McDowell



As a Breadwinning CEO, our ultimate goal is to become financially free to create generational wealth.   You need to set your business up for success so you can do the money moves and invest for your future, and one of the most effective investments in the market nowadays is real estate.   The most common misconception in investing in real estate though is that it’s hard to finance and you need big funds for deals.   That’s why you need to familiarize yourself with the resources that are available to help you reach your investing goals.   It’s important to educate yourself on how to become a capital investor and build your own bank so you can passively build wealth for generations to come.   For today’s Breadwinning Women episode, I talked with Alexis Hart McDowell, an award-winning real estate & business attorney, about the benefits of investing in real estate and how to do it even if you don’t have big funds yet in your business.   Learn the …