Trading Story: Trading Interviews, Tips & Inspiration For Newer Traders

116 - A New Real Estate Investing Project



Hope things have been going well for you guys. Hope you're progressing in your life and your side projects, especially if you're still tackling trading or real estate investing. Trading and investing is a great gig if you can make it work and I'm hoping you guys are doing well in these and every area you're working on. On my end, I just got back from a vacation to Disneyland with my family. It was the 2nd time my family has been there and a good time was had by all in Anaheim. We also visited Warner Brothers Studios and Hollywood on the Left Coast. I did like the weather in Southern California and it's always good to get out of the routine. I'm feeling refreshed, but I was a little late in getting this podcast out to everyone this week. This will be the last podcast I plan to release for awhile on the Trading Story. I don't want to say this is the final podcast, but it could be. As you may know now, my attentions have already shifted away from trading into real estate investing. I may launch another podcast i