Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

[Coaching] Do You Need to Name the Priority?



Are you pulled in so many directions you’re busy all day, but when the day ends you don’t feel like you accomplished much of anything? Just like you, the women I coach are in demand. They have teams that want their attention, clients to serve, and tasks that need to get done. I’ve been there myself on many occasions. There are different responses to this state of affairs. You might be in the camp of looking out at some point in the future. You convince yourself that once you get there, it will be a lot better. I did that for years and guess what? As that point in time got closer my calendar filled up and I had all new projects on my plate. This cycle perpetuated for a long time before I realized what I was doing. You might be researching to find new strategies for time management and productivity and making a few strides but still needing some relief. Or, you might have started to give up hope that it will get any better. Regardless of what camp you are in, you’re going to get a lot out of this on-air coachin