Life In Motion

From Source To Sea - Paddling 2,271 miles down the Mississippi, protecting waterways and connecting others to rivers with Danielle Katz of Rivers for Change



In this episode we interview Danielle Katz of Rivers for Change, a nonprofit who connects individuals to rivers through adventure, conservation and education. Growing up in California it wasn't long until Danielle fell in love with the outdoors. In fact, she was only 4 months old on her first river trip. As she got older she guided for her dad's whitewater rafting company and felt most at home on the river, sleeping under the stars. In 2009 Danielle paddled the length of the Mississippi River, which opened her eyes to just how connected our waterways are. This trip combined her passion for the river with education and conservation. This experience inspired her to start Rivers for Change as a way to connect others with rivers through adventure, conservation and education. From source to sea trips, river cleanups and more, they're making a difference - one drop at a time. If you’ve ever wondered what you can do to protect the water in which you shower, or even what it's like to paddle 2