Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Real Work Matters on Paleo Quick Tip of the Day



I am a long time Paleo aficianado! I love hearing how sleep is ultra-important, how you should reduce stress and exercise daily, with stretching, meditation, and strength training specifically!However, I do differ in some matters:  SLEEP- no difference; just get a good 8 hours per night, in a blacked out room! OR MORE!!  I do best on 9 hours.  Your mileage may vary: just don’t fall into the trap where you think “If I only need 5 hours, I am better…”  No, you’re not.  You are probably only delusional!Reducing stress and meditation:  Well, this is a no-brainer- meditation is wondeful, and reducing stress can only help your life in a major way.  Just sit in a chair and meditate- don’t take drugs to achieve this otherwise laudable goal!Exercise:  The older I get, the more I differ from standard, ancestral/Paleo doctrine here! Lift Heavy Things!  No.  Although this is standard dogma, it is just not so…Do strength exercise YES- DAILY!!  Do Virtual Resistance Exercise, where you flex the muscles against themselves.