EFT/Tapping Q and A with Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques

TapAlong: Feeling Like I Need To Suffer – Forgiving Self



On more than one occasion I have thought, "I made a mistake and deserve to suffer for it." Culturally we believe that there needs to be punishment when someone has done something wrong. Even if we don't personally believe this to be the case it is such a pervasive cultural value it is easy to see how it can creep into our beliefs as well. When we do something wrong a part of us often feels that we need to be punished. AND, because we hold ourselves to such high standards we are going to inflict a punishment on ourselves that is huge and we are often not willing to let it go...forever. It is ok to recognize that we don't need to suffer for our past choices. We can learn from them and move forward. Here is a tap along audio to help you do just that.