The Cari Murphy Show

Shamanic Secrets for Shapeshifting into Greater Self-Mastery with Cari and Dana Micucci!



As our higher energy centers continue to expand, and our vibration continues to rise, there has never been a more urgent time to reconnect with the sacred sensuality of Mother Earth, the enchantment of the land, the nature spirits and elementals—the intimate, magical realm of the shaman—while also refining our own ability to work with subtle energies. During this energetically intense passage, we must find ways to fully ground and embody more Light with greater ease and well-being. Only by walking the path of divine embodiment can we be of service most effectively. And so today dana will take you on an enlivening journey into the millennia-old practice of shamanic healing. Drawing on her extensive shamanic training, she will initiate you into the transformational wisdom of the shaman, exploring such questions as: How do we upgrade our ascension journey from healing to wholeness, seeker to shaman, to shapeshift into the next level of our multi-dimensional self-mastery?What is shamanic healing and why is i