The Cari Murphy Show

Re-Birthing Your Consciousness for 2019!



It's time for an Empowerment Upgrade; A CONSCIOUSNESS UPGRADE FOR THE NEW YEAR!My intention is to support you in releasing or even deleting the playlists running in your mind that initiate and perpetuate feelings of heaviness, resistance and disempowerment!•What’s on repeat in YOUR consciousness play-lists? Do they support mediocre survival or outstanding success? •What lyrics are looping and lingering inside you? Do the themes and messages empower you or dis-empower you? Are they more productive or problematic?•Are you listening to old outdated records that are filled with static and contributing to struggle, strife and self sabotage?•Are you ready to toss out the old records that no longer align with the advanced consciousness technology available to you? •Isn’t it time to delete all those old playlists that only produce pressure, promote patterns of pain and perpetuate problems? •Isn’t it time to create new playlists filled with joyful music and uplifting lyrics that energize you and contribute to your out