The Cari Murphy Show

Your Destiny: A Story of Suffering OR Story of Success?



Do you want to continue to create the same old things again and again in your life? OR... are you ready to take hold of your personal steering wheel of empowerment and guide your spiritual vessel onto a new pathway leading to expansive new playing fields of consciousness and reality? We are alive with the ABSOLUTE FREEDOM to create our destiny. The unfolding of our destiny is decided by us and through us while we are living in these bodies. Our purpose is discovery and exploration. Our role is deciding our destiny, not waiting for it to happen TO us. The divine truth is that the details of our destiny are discovered with our decisions. Allow the following questions to begin to unravel and unlock some answers for you: •Does life more often propel you into a state of panic or a clarification of purpose?•Does your faith fuel you forward or does your fear overshadow your potential?•Do you wear a self-appointed crown of promise and empowerment or are you unknowingly limiting yourselfwith internal shackles of doubt