The Cari Murphy Show

The Spiritual Perspective on Health and Weight Loss! Expand into Vibrant Health and Well Being & Release ALL that Weighs You Down! 06/13/18



Is it challenging for you to accept and embrace the beauty and perfection of your physical body?Do you struggle with thinking loving thoughts and feeling loving feelings about your body?Are their patterns of behavior, thought, emotion, beliefs that may be weighing you down literally AND figuratively?Are you ready to learn ways to partner with your body, allow for renewed radiance, joy, and self love, and literally LIGHTEN UP?Aren't you ready to be KIND to your body, hear what it's really saying to you, and expand into the vibrant health you deserve?It's time to reinvent yourself from the inside out and experience the harmony, happiness, radiance, vitality and well being that IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT! It's time to reshape and reFORM all aspects of who you are to allow for vibrant health! The discomfort and lack of ease that you experience in your physical body can be relieved as the blocked energy within you given the opportunity to FLOW AGAIN! As you begin to give yourself the LOVING SUPPORT that your soul and your