The Cari Murphy Show




At the core of a lifetime filled and fueled with certainty is a diminishment of doubt, a release of of resistance, a soothing of cynicism and a collapsing of confusion. How? Why? Because of a deliberate decision to ride the inevitable waves of life with the certainty of knowing that all is well-- even in the midst of challenge. Pain can be transformed into purpose, challenge can transform into clarity, and confusion can transform into refined certainty.Life is certainly an adventure, and yet we get to decide the interpretation of that adventure! A seemingly simple shift in the angle that we approach our adventures can make all the difference in whether or not we thrive forward from our challenges OR NOT. A simple sculpting of our perception and lens of interpretation can transform confusion into clarity and it can shed light on just about any situation.Existence includes all; the ups and downs, the highs and lows, the certainties and the doubts and yet this show is devoted to heightening and amplifying the