The Cari Murphy Show

The Fast Track and Formula for DREAMS Fulfilled: Selecting YOUR OPTIMAL TIMELINE & YOUR SOULS HIGHEST EXPRESSION FOR 2018! 01/24/18



We are the pioneers of this expanding universe! Are you ready to highlight the highest truths and potential‘s as the false illusions of this reality are now being illuminated in the light? Are you ready to create a landscape for MIRACLES? Are you ready to Realize Your Brilliant Self & your Highest Soul Expression?Are you ready to push out all the density and acclimate to the highest frequencies that are now available to you? Are you ready to Merge and Align with the Timeline You Prefer? ( The ONE where dreams are manifested in your physical reality?) Are you ready to entrain yourself with the frequencies of expansion in as many moments as possible?Are you ready to see notice and embrace the higher spectrum of opportunities available to you in each moment? If you answered yes to any or all of those questions then this show is for you! We are such amazing limitless cosmic beings. We are the conduit’s for divine love on new earth, and we are here to release, clear,transmute, transcend, upgrade and upshift no