The Cari Murphy Show

Prepare for the Great Cosmic Event o12/21/17



REGISTER FREE FOR THE ENTIRE SERIES at or The Great Cosmic Event of the Winter Solstice is finally upon us! In this year of New Beginnings, we have been awaiting the culmination of the greatest infusion of light ever before seen on this planet to finally complete on December 21st. The Great Particle Convergence/Emergence that began as a powerful Total Solar Eclipse on August 21st is now coming to fruition bringing the fullness of all of its gifts to us, our Earth, the solar system, galaxy, Universe and beyond! This is an extraordinary opportunity for personal and collective enlightenment . Enlightened particles from the Galactic Heart and the Higher Dimensions of Creation are converging to weave together new timelines of divine perfection for us all.Are you ready to become All That You Can Be?FROM THIS SHOW YOU WILL:Receive LIVING TRANSMISSIONS from the Avatars, the Angelic Realms, The Cosmic Beings of Light, the Galactic and Universal Energies to a