The Cari Murphy Show

Freedom is an INSIDE Job! 11/01/17



Join the 3 million subscribed listeners for this brand new show with Cari!Anytime we look outside of us for something to produce freedom or to provide a solution, we approaching freedom from the outside in! Freedom of any kind (personal --relationship --financial --health) is realized when we cultivate feelings of thriving within us first instead of demanding that external things change to provide the solutions for our freedom or independence!We always have the option to thrive from a space of self cultivated freedom because in each moment we have the power to choose condemnation or compassion, love or fear, boredom or enthusiasm, victimization or empowerment, injustice or well-being, struggle or flow, doubt or determination, defense or accountability, stagnation or inspiration, shame or beauty, confusion or clarity, insecurity or confidence, ease or dis-ease, suffering or grace, happiness or hatred, blame or ownership, poverty or prosperity lack or abundance, resentment or freedom! We have the power to choos