The Cari Murphy Show

SUPREME SELF EMPOWERMENT: Embracing Choice Points as Portals of Opportunity 10/25/17



What is a choice point? A choice point is an opportunity that we claim in any given moment to select the reality we wish to step into. A choice point is a portal; a potential opening into a brand new arena of consciousness. Without awareness, we can easily forfeit, ignore or deny our creative potential and capacity to steer our lives in the direction of our choosing. This show serves as a reminder from your soul to welcome infinite possibility into your life! Life is not happening to us; it is happening through us. It is a reflection of the conscious OR unconscious choices that we are making from moment to moment. Supreme self empowerment is realized when we nurture our role as the grand "choosers" of our state of being and its corresponding realities. I invite you to launch into an expanded new playing field of awareness, creativity, joy, and love as we support one another in remembering our capacity to CHOOSE.Will You Choose to Remember Your Radiance?Will You Choose to Engage with and Activate Your Divine E