The Cari Murphy Show

Hidden Truths of the Rishi's Immortal Path! Energy TRANSCENDENCE AND LIBERATION



Akasha Sananda has been in the healing arts since the age of fifteen and has served in over thirty different countries as a world teacher. His mission is to humbly serve and assist humanity in becoming fully realized and to obtain liberation as free, sovereign beings.Known as a ‘Liberator’, Akasha has attained spiritual liberation under the mentorship of the Himalayan yogi Babaji Nagaraj. Since this time Akasha has continued to be contacted by both Babaji and two Himalayan Rishi’s known as Boganathar and Agastya. These Himalayan Masters are highly evolved immortal beings, who have transcended the elemental nature of gross matter and are the pure embodiment of source consciousness. High initiation from the Rishi’s led Akasha around the world to learn many sacred traditions and ancient wisdom while uncovering hidden truths of the immortal path. It is only recently that Akasha Sananda has been given permission to share the ancient wisdom of the Rishi’s and Immortal path. He serves this purpose through his life e