The Cari Murphy Show

Embodying Crystalline Consciousness with Cari and Sandra Walter! 05/03/17



Listen in to this powerful interview with Wayshower, Gatekeeper and Ascension Guide Sandra Walter from my Straight Talk for the Soul Global Masterclass Series!To listen to this interview in its entirety, please register FREE for the series at and you will be supplied with complimentary replays from all of our calls. Sandra Walter is a Wayshower, Ascension Guide and Gatekeeper who serves the Light Intelligence of Source and the Shift in Consciousness on Gaia.As an Interdimensional Liaison since 1999, Sandra assists awakened HUmans through writings, videos and creations focused on the Shift, and the comprehensive Ascension Path online training class. She is a member of the Pleiadian-Sirian alliance, and receives regular Ascension updates from them as well as Archangelics, Masters and Galactics in Service to the Ascension. Sandra is not associated with the GFL, I AM activity, or any new age organization.Sandra shares information as a contactee and conduit to empower, inspire and ac