The Cari Murphy Show

Riding the Waves of Life from the Soul Perspective 04/26/17



The adventure and journey of this lifetime will always include waves of emotion and waves of challenge. It is our self-selected approach to riding these waves that determines the quality of our lives. We can either ride WITH the waves or fight against them and get pummeled energetically each and every time.There is a divinely designed gift from every wave. That gift is clarity. When we EXPAND OUR PERSPECTIVE and seek the covered jewel and gift from every wave of experience, we emerge with greater strength, confidence and empowerment. We clarify the ways we wish to respond to life. We get clear on what we will tolerate or not tolerate. We realize the infinite blessings of self love, self nurturing and self trust. We can ride every wave of experience with clarity or confusion; the choice is ours. The peaks of the highs and the depths of the lows are self-selected.My intention with this show is to inspire you to remain balanced and centered no matter what is going on within you or around you by consciously choos