The Cari Murphy Show

What Does it Mean to be “BLESSED?” : LETTING GO of LACK! 03/29/17



We are new earth activators, creators and alchemists! Being “blessed' is our birthright! Being blessed requires being LESS of our limited selves and MORE of our infinitely powerful and creative selves!Each and every one of us are leaders. We are leading the creation of our lives in each new moment. As empowered leaders, we must consciously let go of the lack consciousness (less-Ings!) to open up, create, receive, and allow the blessings to FLOW! As empowered leaders, we must consciously release dread, disappointment and doubt to allow ourselves the complete FREEDOM of pure expression that is our birthright. We must shift from being lackFULL to being joyFULL in our opinions and offerings of ourselves and our light.My invitation to you: Be Bold from withIN. Be authentically, powerfully, divinely visible. No more dimmed down, watered down versions of YOU! Be fully invested in igniting, sharing and revealing yourself without fearFULL filters limiting your heartFULL expression. No more partial participation in ac