The Cari Murphy Show

The Sweet Satisfaction of Shifting From Stressed to Stretched! 03/01/17



Are you more critical or complimentary of yourself, of life and others? With your thoughts, words and attention, are you promoting more possibility or more problems? Are you ready to shift away from your stress and S-T-R-E-T-C-H into the supreme satisfaction of self-selected expansion and success? We are alive to thrive through and beyond stress, and that state of thriving doesn't deprive anyone else of anything! In fact, as we choose to thrive while the world around us appears to be stressed, we support the amplification of our entire planet thriving!If you are reading this now, or if you listen to a show like mine, it is clear that you were born to change this world! You are alive to participate in the creation of new earth as a wayshower; a pioneer of consciousness. You are here to pronounce and proclaim pure possibility, no matter what the circumstances around you may reflect. The stress that we incur is but an opportunity to stretch our consciousness and announce, declare, pronounce and proclaim a grand