The Cari Murphy Show

Revolutionize Your Spiritual Evolution! Claim Your Inner BOLDNESS for Brand New Beginnings! 9/30/15



It's time for NEW Soulfully Empowered Beginnings! It's time to Revolutionize your EVOLUTION! It's time to fully claim our divinely designed role as New Earth Architects! Our reality is expanding as we are expanding – as we are ascending in consciousness! This is an unprecedented time in our evolution.We can deliberately select to be involved in an ascending reality with an intentionally created consciousness OR we can live on auto pilot and unconsciously participate in a descending reality. We either claim personal responsibility for our creations or give away our consent, authority and personal power by dismissing its presence! At this incredible time and moment in our earths ascension as well as our own, its crucial to create and rewrite the rules of this expanding reality – and select new beginnings that are in alignment with the purity, perfection and eternal nature of our soul.It's time to walk with a renewed sense of BOLDNESS that is fueled by the soul! We are being challenged to BE the consciousness ac