The Cari Murphy Show

Ignite Your Divine Genius and Extinguish ALL Dis-Empowerment NOW! 6/24/15



INTENTION FOR ALL LISTENERS:May this BRAND NEW SHOW bring you infinite blessings of love, abundance, prosperity and JOY! May this show be a defining moment of empowerment, awakening, and expansion that contributes to the expression of your full radiance for the well being of ALL.May the light of your soul fully IGNITE and gently yet powerfully extinguish any feelings of disempowerment, as well as any suppressive thoughts, beliefs, roles or identities you’ve taken on – so that you may emerge as the pioneering genius OF LOVE that you are!May you claim, embody and express the highest frequencies of light that you are and become a walking, talking ray of light that realizes its option to BE spirit IN ACTION.May your fully OWN your identity as a masterFULL being of light and love so that you begin to further weave your divinity into and with your humanity so that you activate and anchor your role as a pioneer of consciousness in form NOW.May this SHOW bring infinite opportunities that ARE CONSCIOUSLY CLAIMED to fu