Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Post-shows

WKPWP - WWE Raw Post-Show Flashback: (9-1-15) Keller & Powell talk Sting, Cena, Ziggler-Lana-Summer, Cody's future, Divas Beat the Clock



In a podcast from ten years ago (9-1-15), PWTorch editor Wade Keller and ProWrestling.net's head honcho Jason Powell discuss with live callers big happenings on Raw with Sting, Seth, and Cena looking ahead of Night of Champions, where Lesnar and Taker are headed between now and WM32, Ziggler-Lana-Summer saga, and more. Then in what was previously a VIP-exclusive Aftershow, they discuss these topics: Divas Beat the Clock Challenge, why not Charlotte Flair, ROH-New Japan dynamic, NXT Takeover Wednesday edition, Cody’s future, and more.