Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Post-shows

WKPWP - WWE Raw Post-Show Flashback (5 Yrs Ago): Keller & Powell discuss Lesnar-Seth BattleGround fallout, Reigns-Bray angle, more (6-16-15)



In this podcast from five years ago (6-16-15), PWTorch editor Wade Keller and ProWrestling.net's head honcho Jason Powell discuss with live callers WWE Battleground PPV on Raw the night before including return of Brock Lesnar, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Raw ratings, and much more. In the previously VIP-exclusive Aftershow, they discuss Reigns-Bray angle and feud, idea for WWE women’s tournament, Sheamus’s renewed push, can Elgin breakout in G1, Seth’s great acting, and more.