The Yogi Roth Show

Luke Tyburski: Endurance Adventurer who pushed limits to see his potential



‘I had a dream crowded with clarity to push my limits so I could see a glimpse of my potential.’ ~ Luke Tyburski, Endurance AdventurerListen to endurance adventurer Luke Tyburski, as he joins the LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS podcast where he shares how he swam, biked and ran from Morocco to Monaco in only 12 days.Imagine swimming 400 laps in a 50 meter pool, cycling over 1300 kilometers in less than 5 days and then running 14 combined marathons in only 7 days – yup, that’s what Luke did and the best part, he captured it in the acclaimed documentary film THE ULTIMATE TRIATHLON.Luke shares a simple story with host Yogi Roth about how this epic adventure began with him looking at a globe and asking himself where he wanted to explore in the world to the realization that he would swim, ride and run 2000 kilometers in just 12 days, just because he felt it in his soul.A former professional athlete, Luke went through the struggles that many go through as transition occurs in life and he openly shares his newfound look on love