The Yogi Roth Show

Yogi Roth: 'Every 4 Years' a Spoken Word poem



During Election Week in the United States LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS host Yogi Roth shares an intimate Spoken Word poem titled 'Every 4 Years.'Yogi woke up in a sweat and the words came out of his mouth and the following day recorded this podcast with the hopes to urge others to vote and the power that a single vote can have.He takes you to Dalton, Pennsylvania - his hometown and the first memory he had with the election, as well as the first time that an election shaped his life as an adult.A Spoken Word poet for years, Yogi rarely shares this type of work, but hopes that this piece offers others a subtle nudge to vote, and regardless of who wins the 2016 Presidential Election, to come together and support the USA's new Commander in Chief.