Intuitive Transformations

Pathway to Love with Danielle Gibbons



Aired Sunday, 10 April 2016, 9:00 PM ETWhat is the most important love relationship that you can have in your life? It’s not the love relationship between you and your lover, you and your family, or even between you and your God.The love relationship that is the most important is the love relationship that you have with yourself. It is the foundation from which all other love relationships are built upon.Join Sylvia and her guest, Danielle Gibbons, author of Mother Mary’s Pathway To Love: Building A Loving Relationship With Yourself That Will Transform Your Life and learn how you can deepen the most important relationship you will ever experience.About the Guest Danielle GibbonsDanielle Gibbons is an author and known as an engaging inspirational speaker.Danielle is a full-body channel who has served Mother Mary since 1994. She offers Mother Mary’s teachings and meditations at live events, via audio recordings, and in her online courses which includes the very popular, 11-week healing course, Falli