Intuitive Transformations

Change Your Life with Affirmative Self-Talk



Aired Sunday, 13 September 2015, 9:00 PM ETWhether you are alone in your home or actively engaging with others, you are participating in a constant stream of conversation with consciousness.When you mindfully take a moment to observe your thoughts, how much thinking do you do that appears random, critical, negative, and self-depreciating?For the most part, we call these our private thoughts or our internal dialogue.Because these internal conversations are unspoken, we consider them harmless. However, everything in our Universe is creative energy, even our unspoken thoughts.When you take into account that ancient mystics have taught that thoughts are the building blocks of our reality, should we then be paying more attention to the quality and constructiveness of the thoughts we think?Whether the unverbalized conversations in our head is loving and affirming or criticizing and fearful, they are the vibrational frequency that we are constantly sending out into the world that acts like a tractor beam pulling eve