Intuitive Transformations

Opening to Meditation with Diana Lang



Aired Sunday, 6 September 2015, 9:00 PM ETWhen you hear the word meditation do you hunger for the delicious peace and calm that a few moments of silence have to offer, or do you turn and run in another direction believing that it’s impossible for you to quiet your busy mind?Just as there are hundreds of expressions of dance, there are hundreds of approaches to meditation. The practice of meditation is varied and to be successful it is important to determine what works best for you.If you believe that meditation means that you must bend your body into a pretzel, receive a sacred mantra from a Yogi, or sit stoically still in absolute silence to experience the transformative benefits of meditation, be sure to listen to this show.Join Sylvia and her guest Diana Lang, teacher of meditation and yoga and author of Opening to Meditation: A Gentle, Guided Approach, and discover how you can quiet your mind quickly and easily experience the many beneficial effects of meditation by using Diana’s gentle and guided approac