Intuitive Transformations

Love Cycles with Linda Carroll



Aired Sunday, 23 August 2015, 9:00 PM ETTo fall in love is magical. To remain in love is miraculous.What is the secret of a wholehearted long-lasting love relationship?My very special guest Linda Carroll provides clarity and dispels the mystery of wholehearted love relationships.With her book, Love Cycles: The Five Essential States of Love, Linda shares a tried and true roadmap that creates lasting love in any relationship.Linda will share from her many years as a couples therapist, a groundbreaking model of the five natural stages of romantic relationships: The Merge, Doubt and Denial, Disillusionment, Decision, and finally … Wholehearted Love.This show will help you understand where you are in the cycle of your relationship and provide insights on how to be happier and committed even in difficult times.About Guest Linda CarrollLinda Carroll is the author of Love Cycles: The Five Essential Stages of Lasting Love. A couple’s therapist for over thirty years, she is certified in Transpersonal Psychology and Ima