Intuitive Transformations

The Gift of the Empath with Matt Kahn



Aired Sunday, 16 August 2015, 9:00 PM ETDo you yearn to celebrate every moment of life with ease, openness, and joy?Join Sylvia and her very special guest, Matt Kahn, for a show that will do far more than inform you. This show will transform you, enlighten your consciousness, raise your vibrational frequency, and open your heart to more joy and ease.You’ll want to listen to this show over and over again.About Guest Matt KahnMatt Kahn is an author, a spiritual teacher, and highly-attuned empathic healer. His forthcoming book, “Whatever Arises, Love That” will be published by Sounds True in January 2016.Using his intuitive abilities of seeing, hearing, feeling, and direct knowing, Matt feels the emotions of others and is able to pinpoint what blocks any heart from opening.Matt brings forth revolutionary teachings that assist energetically-sensitive beings in healing the body, awakening the soul, and transforming reality through the power of love.Through Matt words an energy shift occurs that balances the right