Intuitive Transformations

The Transfiguration of Our World with Gordon Asher Davidson



Aired Sunday, 28 June 2015, 9:00 PM ETWhy is the world in such a state of upheaval today? Who or what is causing it, and where is humanity headed? Will life on planet earth get worst? Or, will it get better? Is there a higher plan for Earth that is unfolding right now before our very eyes?Gordon Asher Davidson, author of The Transfiguration Of Our World: How a Light Alliance Is Transforming Darkness and Creating a New Earth will share insights from his years of deep meditation and answer these questions and many more.John Gray, author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, says this about Gordon’s book…“An inspiring and positive vision which reveals what’s really going on today behind the scene, and how we can integrate new spiritual approaches to create the future we all long for in our hearts.”Join Sylvia and Gordon for a fascinating and thought provoking conversation about an ancient struggle between the forces of Light and darkness on our planet and what you can do to bring more light to our beautifu