Lectio Cascadia

Whatever is Beyond Question is Demonic (Galatians 4:1-7)



Excerpt – Galatians 4:1-7 Nevertheless, I’m telling you, for as long as an heir is a minor, despite being lord of everything, nothing distinguishes them from someone who is enslaved. Rather, they are under caregivers and household managers until the time designated by their father. It is the same for us: When we were children, we were enslaved under the fundamental assumptions of the world systems. But when the appropriate time came, God sent out his son, given birth from a woman and born under Torah, so that those under Torah would be purchased from enslavement and so that we would receive adoption as heirs. So because you are heirs, God sent his son’s Life-breath into our hearts that were calling out, “Abba! (Father!)” So then, no longer are you enslaved but instead are an heir; you are an heir and recipient of the inheritance through God. ... Read Brandon Johnson's translation of Galatians: Google Doc – https://bit.ly/FIT-Galatians-GDoc PDF – https://bit.ly/FIT-Galatians-PDF Mobile-Friendly