Consciousshift With Julie Ann Turner

Randy Gage/RISKY IS THE NEW SAFE 12/05/12



Everybody is playing it safe, because they think that's the smart thing to do. But in today's new economy, playing it safe is the riskiest thing you can do.All the rules have changed and they're going to change more tomorrow.Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Randy Gage - NYTimes Bestselling Author of "Risky is the New Safe" - explains that disruptive technology, changing cultural trends, a breakdown of the education system, government and corporate corruption and malfeasance, and a societly that is some ways evolving - and in other ways devolving - has moved the target. And it keeps moving, faster every day.The people who create prosperity in the new economy will be in front of the trends, anticipating them instead of naively reacting to what happened yesterday.It doesn't matter if you're an individual or a company. To create wealth or success today, you have to become a critical thinker and blow up conventional wisdom.When everyone is zigging, you want to be zagging.Let's face it - tired, old conventional t