Out Of The Box With Christine

Susan Miller of AstrologyZone.com On What’s In Store For The Rest of 2022



Well 2022 sure has been a doozy of a year hasn't it? And it isn't over yet! But if you're like me, you may want to know what's in store for us mere mortals for the rest of 2022. And my guest today is going to spill the beans on what's written in the stars for you and me. Get ready to meet the brilliant SUSAN MILLER, who is perhaps the world's most famous Astrologer. She is delightful, daring and just darn wonderful in my humble opinion. Oh, and stay tuned to the end of the show when Susan goes over each star sign and what you can look forward to in the new year. Yes, that's you Scorpio. You too Gemini! ABOUT SUSAN MILLER: Susan Miller is a true pioneer of the Internet. She's also a businesswoman, publisher, and author of 14 best-selling astrology books. An accredited astrologer, she is the founder of AstrologyZone.com where she writes comprehensive monthly forecasts available on the Internet. Started in 1995, Susan’s website is visited by 13 million unique readers annually. LINKS MENTIONED: Astrolog