D And D Fitness Radio's Show

Episode 115 - Luka Hocevar: The Importance of Critical Self Evaluation



In Episode 115, we have an in depth discussion with Seattle based coach, Luka Hocevar, to talk about his development as a coach and a business owner. Luka identifies the key elements that have contributed to his growth and success over the past 15-20 years. Most importantly, he discusses the power of self-evaluation and seeking out constructive feedback in an effort to make himself better in every area. Many coaches and professionals can get stuck in a rut and continue to ingrain bad habits. Closely examining your philosophy, your process and your day-to-day routines is essential for stimulating growth, especially when you call on others to offer their assessments and feedback. Getting better is often the product of breaking yourself down, understanding where deficiencies lie and developing strategies around mitigating or eliminating those deficiencies.Luka was born and raised in Ljubljana, Slovenia and gives credit to basketball, fitness and coaches in taking him from going down the wrong path in crime,