D And D Fitness Radio's Show

Episode 070 - Quaran-Team Brainstorm with Don and Derek



With both Don and Derek hunkered down in their homes, we all have to learn to adapt and think on our feet. The COVID-19 pandemic has left a lot of people out of options for training and now’s the time to get innovative and creative, without putting yourself at risk of injury. Professional athletes and Olympic competitors are all in the same boat, so it is not a situation that is unique to just one sector of the population. It is a global crisis.Don and Derek discuss training options and finding ways to motivate yourself during the forced confinement this month. It is easy to simply sit back and do nothing. But at some point you have to get off your butt and get the work done, regardless of whether or not the situation is optimal. The health of you both physically and mentally will depend on the decisions you make in the next few weeks to month. We’re here to help!The D&D Fitness Radio podcast is available at the following locations for downloadable audio, including: iTunes – https://itunes.apple.co