D And D Fitness Radio's Show

Episode 068 - What's the Real Epidemic



With the recent concern over the Coronavirus outbreak around the world, Don and Derek start to look at health concerns that are closer to home and possibly much more within the control of our citizens. Recent studies have indicated that over 50% of the US population will be considered obese by the year 2030. Additionally, Americans are spending hundreds of billions of dollars on fitness classes, exercise equipment and active apparel with some of the poorest returns for overall activity and health in the world. “The United States leads the world in spending for every segment, including fitness classes ($37 billion), sports and recreation ($58 billion), apparel and footwear ($117 billion), equipment and supplies ($37.5 billion), mindful movement, such as yoga ($10 billion), and related technology ($8.1 billion). And yet, according to the academic journal The Lancet, for all of this spending, we rank 143rd globally for actual participation in physical activity. “ OutsideOnline.comIn Episode 068, the conversa