D And D Fitness Radio's Show

Episode 067 - Managing the Talent



Following the recent Super Bowl win by the Kansas City Chiefs, Don and Derek discuss the issue of identifying, nurturing and managing talent within an organization in Episode 067. While people put a lot of emphasis on coaching and strategic decisions within a game, there is no doubt that you have to have the talent to put you in a position to win a championship. When a team is positioning themselves to make a championship run, it involves a lot of off-season deals to bring the right players into the fold. In some cases, it is a longer-term plan that involves drafting the right individuals to fit your scheme or philosophy. But, there is no doubt that you need the horses to win the race.We also discuss the pros and cons of acquiring individuals who may also bring some baggage to the party. The recent documentary on the life and downfall of former New England Patriot, Aaron Hernandez, is an extreme example of drafting someone who was a tremendous talent, but also was saddled with a questionable past. Teams