D And D Fitness Radio's Show

Episode 050 - Dr Jeff Spencer: Learning to Win Before You Begin



We celebrate our 50th Episode by speaking with performance and recovery expert, Dr. Jeff Spencer. Jeff has coached, mentored and been the ‘cornerman’ to some of the world’s highest achievers from Fortune 500 leaders to Gold Medal Olympians. In our interview with Jeff, we cover as much ground as humanly possible on all aspects of general health, performance and recovery as it to relates to athletes, corporate leaders and the human race. Jeff’s experience in elite cycling and the Tour de France gives us an opportunity to fully understand the extent of the recovery and performance measures taken to ensure the top cyclists in the world were prepared for each of the 21 stages, en route to victory. These strategies can also be applied to other sports and competitive fields across the board, and Dr. Spencer outlines his approach to helping his clients achieve their goals. Whether it is his application of science, his use of technology or his ability to get the most out of his clients, Dr. Spencer is on the cut