Transplant & The Native

Ep #50: The Gang Talks Tour Life with Circles Around the Sun drummer, Mark Levy



On this weeks episode of No Vacancy Colorado, we break up a long, hilarious conversation with CATS (@CirclesAroundTheSun) drummer, Mark Levy in 2 pts. Fresh off tour opening for Greensky Bluegrass, and sitting in with Chris Robinson Brotherhood... Mark has been on the go for the last couple months.. with great stories to share. We talk about his humble upbringings here in Colorado, then how he started his first band, schooling on the East coast.. and then before we wrap up the story, we tour through #Prince house & urban myths/tales that we've heard of the Purple God... Great, hysterical episode for anyone who enjoys music, Prince, Grateful Dead, and all around good times. Tune in, tell a friend, and don't forget to review the podcast on whatever medium you listen through! LOOK FOR PART 2 THURSDAY!